Land Clearing and Dirt Work

Vegetation Removal and Site Prep

The first step in any project is to prepare your site. Our Topcon enabled laser surveillance equipment allows Cedar Beetle to map out your site to exact engineering specifications. We can then begin with the vegetation removal and dirt work.

Our dozers and track hoes are able to remove trees and brush up to 36 inches in diameter flush with the ground, creating an immediately drivable surface for improved access. Our scrapers, vibrating rollers and graders will create a smooth, compact and hard level surface for your roads, pads, tanks and stations. We use cutting edge water drainage methods to keep build up at bay. We dig out and prepare the foundation sites using erosion prevention techniques to ensure your completed project will withstand the rigors and vibrations of pumping, while remaining level no matter what mother nature throws your way. We prep your entire site with SPCC compliant berms for an additional layer of security.